Pantops Prosthodontics has resumed care for all patients of record as well as new patients. Please call 434-977-9836 to schedule an appointment. As we welcome patients, changes have been implemented to ensure patient safety. View COVID-19 Safety Steps in Patient Care.

Crowns and bridges typically take 2-3 appointments to complete. On the first visit, the teeth are prepared and an impression is taken. Then a temporary crown or bridge will be placed to protect the teeth while the custom prosthetic is made.

After this appointment, your tongue, lips, and the roof of your mouth may be numb. Please do not eat or drink hot foods and beverages until the numbness is gone.

If your temporary restoration comes off, contact our office at 434-977-9836 and make an appointment to have it re-cemented on as soon as possible.

To keep your temporaries in place, avoid eating sticky and hard foods, and chewing gum. If possible, chew on the opposite side of your mouth. Brush and floss normally, but be careful not to pull up on the floss, as this may dislodge the temporary crown.

You will likely experience some temperature and pressure sensitivity after each appointment. This sensitivity should subside within a few weeks after your final restoration is placed. If you feel discomfort, you may use mild pain relievers as directed. If your bite feels uneven, or if you have persistent pain, please contact our office.